October 2024 started off with a spark of energy and fresh momentum. I felt vibrant, ready to dive into new projects and ideas. But you know how life loves to keep things interesting—curveballs and all! Through it all, October became a wonderfully productive month, filled with writing, blogging, and Pinterest creations. There’s something so satisfying about channeling energy into creativity, right? It felt like a month of planting seeds.
And oh, October’s Indian Summer days! This year brought endless sunshine, clear blue skies, and that warm, golden light that turns everything into magic. My chrysanthemums on the balcony made a vibrant comeback, filling each day with the joy of their unexpected blooms. Every moment felt like a gift, a little feast for the eyes, and I soaked it all in—because…November rain would soon arrive.

The Art of Connection: Navigating Change and Growth in Relationships
October 2024 pulled me even further into the complex, ever-shifting world of relationships. Over the years, I’ve watched so many of my connections evolve—some growing stronger, others gently fading—all reflecting the changes within myself and those around me. Relationships are such a dynamic part of life, constantly mirroring who we are and challenging us to grow. This month brought me face-to-face with this truth, reminding me of just how much relationships shape our journey, our sense of self, and our capacity for connection.
In October, I channeled these reflections into my writing, diving into themes of grieving lost relationships, the art of letting go, and building healthier, more resilient connections. It’s a topic I’m deeply passionate about, not only in my writing but also in my work with clients as they navigate their own relationship journeys. If these topics resonate with you, click here to see all blog articles on that topic, or feel free to book a discovery call with me to explore these themes together on a deeper, more personal level.
Life’s Close Calls: Reflections on Miracles and Meaning
On October 6th, I had an accident that shook my world in ways I wasn’t expecting. Without going into too much detail, I fell and ended up bruising both of my knees and my nose. It was a close call. If I had hit my head just a bit differently, I honestly don’t know if I’d be sitting here today. And that, in itself, was a wake-up call.
For the next few days, I could feel the shock in every bone and cell of my body. Bruised knees hurt like nothing else, but more than that, the whole experience made me look at my life through a new lens. It was as if I had to put everything into perspective, to take a step back and ask myself—what really matters?
This wasn’t the first time I’ve had a close call. I’ve had many moments in my life where I brushed with something that could have been life-altering. I’ve fallen from monkey bars at age five and sprained my back really badly (I had a couple of those in my childhood).
There was that time I almost got hit by a bus—looking back, it feels like divine intervention. A split second separated me from being under that bus, and something—or someone—pulled me back just in time. (Maybe one day, I’ll write about it, because I know I was in the arms of my guardian angel. There’s really no other explanation for it.)
Many years ago, I fell from my loft bed, landing backward with my head hitting the floor. Somehow, I ended up landing under a chair, avoiding what could have been a devastating blow to my head. It’s another miracle I’ll never quite understand.
Then, there was the time when I was supposed to travel to Nairobi to meet a friend, but I fell ill and had to stay in Nakuru instead. That was during my time in Kenya when the terrorist attack on the Westgate Mall happened. Had I gone to Nairobi, I would’ve been at that mall that day.
And many years back, I almost got hit by a tram—if a kind woman hadn’t pulled me back at the last moment.
I guess we all have those “close calls,” don’t we? They make us rethink, readjust, and appreciate life even more.
A Day of Inspiration and Networking at deGUT and beyond
On October 12, I attended the deGUT business convention here in Berlin, just six days after my accident. I was still feeling a bit raw, but it felt good to be out and about, immersing myself in the energy of the event. There’s something so powerful about being around like-minded people, listening to inspiring pitches, talks, and workshops.
The convention reminded me just how crucial it is to connect and network with others in the business world. It’s not just about learning from the speakers, but about being open to new perspectives and ideas. Watching who’s out there—who’s making waves, who’s pushing boundaries—helps spark fresh thoughts and inspiration for my own work. It’s a reminder that no matter where you are in your journey, there’s always room to grow and evolve.

Despite everything, I could feel my strength and energy return, and I felt reinvigorated by the connections and insights I gathered that day. You can see my October 12 in pictures here.
And right afterward, I went to the Walk For The World, where I met some truly wonderful people. I’m so glad that in the morning I decided to attend both the convention and the walk. I wasn’t sure if it would be too much for me, but I felt good and knew I could always head home if I needed to. Self-care first, always.

Autumn in Berlin
Ah, autumn in Berlin—there’s a certain magic to October that always captivates me. It’s that in-between state where everything is transforming, and the city is bathed in beautiful colors. The air feels crisp, carrying that unmistakable essence of fall, yet the sun remains strong enough to warm up the day. Those brilliant blue skies paired with golden, shimmering sunrays create an atmosphere that feels cozy and inviting, with a promise of change in the air. I love, love, love this time of year. It’s incredibly inspiring, sparking my creativity and filling me with a renewed sense of energy.
Here are some wonderful pictures that I took on one of my autumn walks in October 2024. Life is beautiful.

And let’s not forget the Festival of Lights in Berlin.

Nourishing Food
Autumn is the perfect time to dive back into my kitchen and create recipes that are both warming and nourishing for the soul. There’s something so satisfying about crafting dishes that bring comfort as the days get cooler. Whether it’s something homemade or from a cozy restaurant—like a vibrant Ethiopian meal—my only rule is that it must be colorful and delicious, and of course vegan and somewhat healthy 😉 . This season calls for flavors that feel like a hug in a bowl, and I’m all about savoring each one.

Here are some colorful dishes from October 2024:
Published Blog Posts in October 2024
As I mentioned, October was filled with deep reflection, bursts of inspiration, and plenty of creative, free-flowing writing. I poured my heart into each piece, exploring meaningful topics that resonate with my journey and, I hope, with yours too. Here’s a roundup of everything I shared this month.
- Lost In Pages: Remarkably Bright Creatures – Book Reflections September 2024
- Yes, You Can Heal and Have Healthy Relationships – Here’s How
- 12 of 12 October 2024
- Protect Your Most Fertile Years!
- No Drama, Please: Why I’m Selective About Who I Let Into My Life (and Why You Should Be, Too!)
- When a Relationship Ends: Discover the Powerful Lessons in Every Goodbye
- Stinging Nettle Infusion: The Powerful Game-Changer for Women’s Health
- The Art of Letting Go: Breaking Free from Attachments That Hold Us Back
- Don’t Do Scary…Halloween’s True Purpose in Casting Away Evil
Outlook on November 2024
- Reading more: I want to reach my reading goal for 2024, and I have some catch-up reading to do
- finishing my German website
- Launching my Self-Care Advent Calendar 2024
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