October 12th was no ordinary Saturday. It was a blend of business and purpose: a day filled with networking at a business convention and making a difference with ‘Work for the World.’ Spoiler alert: it was far from my typical weekend! 😊

From business convention to group meditation: this picture was taken right before we started the walking meditation. Btw: I walked in my heels (not pointy heels), but still heels lol

I took this picture at the end of the meditation. Some people were still deep in it, as they had started a bit later or were following versions in other languages. When I opened my eyes, I saw these peaceful souls in the field. I felt such deep gratitude for every single one of them. These times need us—all of us. If we want peace in the world, we have to become it first. This meditation is so powerful, and you can even download it for free. I highly recommend reading the blog article about the Walk for the World and diving into the books.
I always wonder what people watching from the outside must think. lol

And just like that, October 12th came to a close—a day full of learning, connection, and a little bit of self-care. Here’s to more days that inspire, challenge, and remind us to slow down and savor the moments that really matter.