12 of 12 October 2024

October 12th was no ordinary Saturday. It was a blend of business and purpose: a day filled with networking at a business convention and making a difference with ‘Work for the World.’ Spoiler alert: it was far from my typical weekend! 😊

12 of 12 October 2024
Early Saturday morning: Inhaling the crisp Berlin autumn air. Every morning, I step out on my balcony to greet the day and my flowers. Sadly, they’ll all be gone soon, reminding me that life is a constant dance of welcoming and letting go, isn’t it?
Not the fanciest picture, but hey—no celery, no problem! I whipped up a refreshing and revitalizing cucumber juice instead. Getting in those greens to nourish my body with the best nutrients. And: it’s so yummy!
Berlin, 10:30 am: At the deGut Convention, listening to Business Angels and five incredible pitches from female entrepreneurs. I have so much respect for these women! It was fascinating to see the endless possibilities and business ideas aimed at making the world a better place. Loved every moment and learned so much from it.
deGut Convention, 11:30 am: Listening to female business owners share their stories. It’s so important to talk about our journeys: empowerment, struggles, mistakes, and the lessons learned. These inspiring women had a vision and made it real, following their hearts. It’s truly fascinating how differently women often approach starting a business compared to men.
Up next: Listening to different stories on how to raise funds for your business, with insights into the different approaches—each with its own benefits and drawbacks. There’s no one-size-fits-all, but understanding the options is key to finding what works best for your vision. It was truly remarkable to listen to those three ladies. I learned a lot.
deGut, 2:30 pm: Another panel on raising funds for your business. This was by far my favorite talk of the day—so much valuable insight and inspiration!
Treptower Park, Berlin, 3:55pm: Luckily the concention was close by so I left before the convention’s official end, got myself some energy bars that I devoured because I was so hungry, and arrived at Treptower Park for the amazing “Walk for the World” by Dr. Joe Dispenza.
From business convention to group meditation: this picture was taken right before we started the walking meditation. Btw: I walked in my heels (not pointy heels), but still heels lol
We were about 100 people walking in this field, connected to tens of thousands around the globe, all walking at the exact same time. It felt epic. If you know the work and the science behind it, you get it. I truly hope more and more people will join this movement.
I took this picture at the end of the meditation. Some people were still deep in it, as they had started a bit later or were following versions in other languages. When I opened my eyes, I saw these peaceful souls in the field. I felt such deep gratitude for every single one of them. These times need us—all of us. If we want peace in the world, we have to become it first. This meditation is so powerful, and you can even download it for free. I highly recommend reading the blog article about the Walk for the World and diving into the books.
I always wonder what people watching from the outside must think. lol
Many of us stayed for a group picture, even though it was quite cold. But I loved the conversation I had with three amazing women. It’s such a relief when people just get you, no need to explain everything. That’s the beauty of this community—they understand the purpose, the language, the science behind it, and simply the why.
Dinner, 6:45 pm: Warming up my homemade vegan stew. It’s officially soup and stew season! After a busy day and not eating much, it felt so good to have something warm and comforting in my tummy.
7 pm CET: I had a Zoom meeting. I took this picture afterward, as I didn’t want to photograph the people in the meeting. I was pretty wiped out after such a long day at the convention and being outdoors for so long, and then a 1.5 hour long call—I’d been freezing the whole time! Autumn and winter are always tough for me because I’m constantly cold, but I’m working on it.
Relaxing with this gem in my hand. I absolutely love Taylor Jenkins Reid—this is my fourth book of hers, and I’ve already reviewed three. Winding down the day with a good book feels like pure luxury.

And just like that, October 12th came to a close—a day full of learning, connection, and a little bit of self-care. Here’s to more days that inspire, challenge, and remind us to slow down and savor the moments that really matter.


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