Over 530 Courses

SOMBA KICKSTART changed the trajectory of my life and business in January 2021.
Since then I’ve done SOMBA Kickstart 3 times (my courses: Embrace Your Feminine, FEMININE FLOW, She’s Worthy) and I’m also participating in this round with my course THRIVING SISTERS. And I cannot wait for it to start.

I’m so honored to be also guiding 5 wonderful women on their Kickstart journey this year.

I’m an affiliate of Sigrun‘s because I believe in SOMBA Kickstart. And during the launch earlier this year Zsofia, Viktoria, Tanja, Fiona and Viola got hooked as well and decided to embark on this very transformational and expansive online-business journey.

And I wanna share their courses with you. Check them out because they’re amazing.

The courses are for free for this beta round and feel free to register.

Learn to Love the Sober Me 

Release the expectations holding you back

I'm so happy to invite you to a 4 week online experience I feel so many of us desire right now. Together we will...
  • Spend four weeks with other women who are also embracing a sober journey. 
  • Explore how language, music, energy and the natural world are our allies
  • Take time out and tune in to your true self through contemplation and simple practices for letting go, as you amplify love, connection and celebration. 
  • Come away with a 4-step process that you can continue to use to bring about change (and more love) any time you need it.

Bring deine Songs auf die Bühne

Verlasse deine Komfortzone und schreibe einen Song in 4 Wochen

Dieser Kurs ist eine Schritt für Schritt Anleitung, wie du deinen musikalischen Traum spürbar machst und welche Schritte du gehen kannst, um dich ihm anzunähern. 

Du erwirbst Tools, um deine Ängste und Blockaden zu akzeptieren und ihnen entgegenzutreten.

Du emanzipierst dich von den Erwartungen anderer und schreibst einen Song zum Thema “Wer bist du, wenn du dich komplett zeigst - mit allem, was dich bewegt und ausmacht.” Am Ende machen wir ein Online-Konzert, bei dem du dich mit deinem neuen Song zeigen kannst.

Die 4 Wochen legen für Dich ein Fundament für neue Freundschaften und ein positives Grundgefühl in deinem musikalischen Wirken.

Embrace Yourself Online Course

Find your way to self-acceptance, trust, and confidence!

In this course, you will learn how to connect with yourself and strengthen (or create) your boundaries. With the help of coaching and energy healing you will get in touch with your own personal truth, learn to trust your inner guidance, and find the confidence to listen to your heart and trust your journey to living a more aligned and fulfilled life. 

Not only will you start to create a healthy loving relationship with yourself, but you will also experience a community of like-minded women who support each other and could become your friends. :)

Breaking Up with Doubt


A four week journey to release you from the trap of self doubt and move through life without the need of second-guessing yourself. You will learn tools to slow your system down and distinguish the difference between your thinking mind (limited) and your inner knowing (infinite). With fast, effective, long lasting and fun methods you will gain the clarity and the freedom you’ve been always searching for.  
This course is ideal for women who believe in spirituality but who are also looking for pragmatic ways to make clearer, faster decisions based on their truth, release the “chaos" from their life and bravely move their steps towards what makes them more fulfilled, more satisfied and ultimately more joyful!

Discover Your New Career Path

Find your gifts & talents for your career change

In this 4 week online course you will get started transitioning into a new career.

You will reconnect with yourself to find your deeper truths.
You will (re-)discover and activate your natural gifts & talents, which gives you the foundation from which your professional future is built.
You will gain clarity on where and how to start your career change.
You will feel more confident and ready to take aligned action towards a new professional life in which you use your potential and make a difference in the world in a way that is authentic and meaningful to you.

This course is ideal for you if you are an empathic and sensitive wo/man feeling unhappy in your current professional life and desiring to build a new career path that is aligned, purposeful and fulfilling.



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