This year’s epic Lion’s Gate event is a cosmic powerhouse in August and especially in 2024!
In this article, I got some top-notch tips on how to ride the wave of energy on this magnificent day! What a time to be alive.
Couple of years ago I wrote an article about the meaning of Lion’s Gate and I suggest that you read it. This is such a powerful portal that opens fully on August 8th. You can read it here.
In this article, however, I aim to explore the practical aspects of what Lion’s Gate has in store for us all.
Dive into the Power Of Lion’s Gate

This year is truly special…because…
As you may know, in numerology, 2024 is an eight-year.
The number 8 symbolizes material success, financial abundance, and personal empowerment. It signifies equilibrium, resilience, and the boundless possibilities of existence. When this number appears three times as we have it with 8-8-2024 (8-8-8) it enhances these energies. It’s a powerful reminder to focus on the things you want to amplify in your life.
This is the perfect moment to shift to timelines that offer the most rewards and benefits. And you don’t have to do much other than simply tuning into the energies of what you want to manifest.
The number 8 also relates to karma and the universal law of cause and effect. The tripling of this number highlights a strong karmic influence, where actions taken now will have substantial and far-reaching effects, they are magnified. Whatever you do (always) act with integrity.
When I lose my grip or I fall back into an old pattern that doesn’t serve me or I start reacting to the world around me, I prompt myself with a simple question: “What would grace do?” This question is so simple, yet it always guides me back to a place of balance and alignment immediately.
8-8-8 is a Call for Spiritual Awakening
Are you following your soul’s purpose? Are your actions and words aligned? Where do you need to fine tune and maybe course-correct?
Do you engage in any spiritual practices? I’m not talking about chanting Kumbaya (even though there’s nothing wrong with that), but hopefully, you understand what I mean.
You don’t need to meditate for hours or walk around with incense (though that’s fine too, lol). I’m referring to simple acts of self-care like starting your day by acknowledging what you’re grateful for, staying hydrated throughout the day, journaling, and exploring your emotions to better comprehend what motivates and moves you.
Spirituality encompasses everything; it involves consciousness, intentions, and awareness. MINDFULNESS – HEARTFULNESS (that’s not a word but it should be!)
Your Heart – The Radiant Sun
Leo, the lion is all about the heart. The heart rules! It’s our compass. It’s where our truth resides. It’s THE portal. You move through the portal of Lion’s Gate through the portal of your heart!
And as you embrace the energy of Leo, you tap into a boundless reservoir of courage, passion, creativity, and a whole lot of joy. Listen to your inner voice and follow the path that resonates most deeply with your soul’s desires.
Imagine your heart as a radiant sun, illuminating your journey and guiding you toward your highest potential. Your guiding light when times might get a bit darker.

During this potent time, take a moment to reflect on what truly sets your spirit ablaze. What dreams have you maybe tucked away, waiting for the perfect moment to pursue them? Now is the time to bring those dreams into the light, to let them flourish and grow. Allow the fierce energy of the lion to imbue you with the confidence and determination to chase after what you love with unwavering dedication.
Remember, the heart is not just a symbol of love and affection; it is also a source of immense strength and resilience. When you lead with your heart, you align yourself with the vibrant, life-affirming energy of the universe. You become a beacon of authenticity, inspiring others to do the same.
Infinite ways to move through the portal of your heart
There are so many practices and rituals that one could do, choose what feels right to you.
I have compiled a list of activities for you to enjoy during Lion’s Gate and make it truly meaningful. Remember you amplify what you focus on. Focus on the things that bring you joy. Make use of Leo’s energy.
Roar into the Lion’s Gate: 8/8/2024 Prep List
- Crystal Clear Intentions:
- Gather your favorite crystals, like citrine, carnelian, and tiger’s eye.
- Cleanse them under running water or in a bowl of salt.
- Charge them under the sun or moonlight, envisioning your goals and dreams absorbing into the crystals.
- Fiery Feast:
- Prepare a feast with foods that resonate with Leo energy: think spicy dishes, citrus fruits, and golden-hued snacks. Yummy. Abundance!
- Decorate your table with sunflowers and golden candles for a regal touch.
- Sun Salutations (so, so good):
- Start the day with a series of sun salutations to honor the Sun, Leo’s ruling planet. It will acrivate your heart and make you feel anchored and connected. Channel the joy!
- Visualize the energy of the Sun filling you with strength and courage.
- Write Your Roar:
- Spend some time journaling about your goals and aspirations.
- Write down the fears and obstacles you want to overcome, and then safely burn that piece of paper to symbolize release.
- Golden Hour Gathering:
- Host a sunset gathering with friends or family.
- Share your dreams and intentions aloud, this way you amplify their power through collective energy.
- Dance with the Goddess:
- Create a playlist of upbeat, empowering songs.
- Dance like nobody’s watching, letting go of inhibitions and embracing your inner lioness.
- Lion’s Gate Vision Board:
- Craft a vision board with images and words that represent your dreams and aspirations.
- Use gold and orange hues to enhance the Leo energy.
- Roaring Bonfire:
- If you have outdoor space, gather around a bonfire with your sisters in a powerful women’s circle! Roar together!
- Share stories of personal bravery and courage, drawing strength from each other.
- Meditative Stargazing:
- Find a quiet spot to lay back and gaze at the stars.
- Meditate on the vastness of the universe and your place within it, allowing cosmic energy to flow through you.
- Creative Crafting:
- Engage in a creative activity like painting, sculpting, or writing.
- Channel your inner Leo’s creativity and express your true self.
- Lion’s Mane Self-Care:
- Pamper yourself with a luxurious bath infused with essential oils like frankincense, orange, or rosemary.
- Give yourself a regal makeover, whether it’s a new hairstyle or a bold outfit that makes you feel powerful.
- Manifestation Mantras:
- Recite positive affirmations that resonate with your goals.
- Examples: “I am powerful and courageous,” “I attract abundance and joy,” “My dreams are becoming my reality.”
- Sacred Space Setup:
- Create an altar with symbols of Lionesses, suns, and gold objects.
- Light candles and incense, and spend some time in quiet reflection or prayer.
- Gift of Gratitude:
- Write thank-you notes to people who have supported and inspired you.
- Expressing gratitude amplifies positive energy and attracts more blessings.
- Lion’s Heart Circle:
- Form a circle with friends, holding hands or linking arms.
- Take turns sharing what you’re passionate about and what you’re committed to pursuing.
Connect with the Egyptian Goddess Sekhmet

Sekhmet, the lioness-headed deity associated with both destruction and healing, represents the power of regeneration and the fierce courage needed to confront and overcome obstacles.
When you connect with this powerful Egyptian goddess on Lion’s Gate it offers a profound opportunity to tap into the fierce and transformative energy that she embodies.
If you’re not ready for this energy, don’t invoke her!
But if you are ready, then invoking Sekhmet can enhance your ability to harness inner strength, courage, and resilience. But this comes with a gentle warning that things might get a bit chaotic, for she WILL bring change.
See her as your fierce sister that always got your back but will never allow any BS. She loves with all of her heart, and she protects with all of her power.
You are in for a huge upgrade as her presence guides you in embracing your own power and potential, clearing away old patterns that no longer serve you, and stepping into a new phase of personal and spiritual growth. It’s worth taking the leap!
Make this Lion’s Gate special!
Prepare to roar into the Lion’s Gate with courage, creativity, and a heart full of dreams! Connect with the things, big and little, that bring you joy, and make you feel excited.
see your heart as the radiant, golden sun that ignites all of your being and everything around you. Shine this light into the world, especially into the darker corners, places, and faces of this world.
As you step through the Lion’s Gate, carry that wisdom of your heart with you. Trust in its guidance no matter what, embrace its power, and let it lead you to a future filled with joy, love, and limitless possibilities. The journey may be challenging at times, but with the heart as your compass, you are destined to find your way.