Nadine Kühn – Transformation Coach and Mentor for Women | Contact now: 📞 +49 (0) 1627693034    ✉

013: “Novel” Up Your Life: 5 Amazing Benefits of Reading Novels
There's huge bookshelf, set as the background. The title reads: 'Read Novels'


Oh this is so exciting:

I am eager to discuss something deeply meaningful to me—the profound and therapeutic influence of reading, especially in romance novels, romantic comedies, and stories with a touch of magical realism.

I talk about 5 benefits of reading novels and I hope that this episode inspires to take a novel right now and get immersed in a world full of unknown characters and stories.

And I am excited to introduce my latest passion project: Lost in Pages
Every month, I will be sharing reviews of my recent readings and thoughts on my blog. My aspiration for Lost in Pages is to create a cozy space where we can all discover inspiration and joy through the books we cherish.

reading novels

Why Reading Novels Is Good for You

For many years I’ve been reading self-help books, books about empowerment and personal growth and improvement, spiritual books, science books; NON-FICTION to sum it up! And I loved it, still love reading these types of books.

But I rarely delved into fiction any longer, even though I used to devour novels. There was a reason why I studied German Linguistics & Literature way back in my early 20’s.
In my late 20’s and throughout my 30’s (gosh, I’m turning 40 in just about a month––woohoo) I would focus on personal growth more than anything else, and my focus shifted from fiction to non-fiction.  Everything has its time and place, right?

But I started reading novels last year and it re-awakened something within me: a thirst and passion I once felt when I was younger. (I go much deeper into this topic in my March Review 2024 which you can read up here.)

I grew so fond of it that I cannot stop reading. I’ve been feeling so much more alive. And one thing led to another and then while I started writing my April Review 2023, well, in April , I got this idea, and it made me feel sooooooo excited and expansive (ManGen here ) that my new passion project was born.

And you know what, last week’s self love Sundays edition was inspired by my new passion project LOST IN PAGES.

Each month, I review my latest reads and share my thoughts on my blog. I hope Lost in Pages becomes a cozy corner where we can all find inspiration and joy in the books we love.

I do it simply because it makes me feel good and that is the signature frequency of anything that is for you. It’s that spark of creativity; it gives you that sensation of pure joy. At least in my case.

Reading novels, in particular romance novels and magic realism is very healing for me; I find solace in it. It calms my nervous system while I go through all sorts of emotions the characters and storylines evoke in me. I’ve been releasing so much, and it feels so good.
Books are healing.

So, my hope is that you, too, grab a novel that calls you and that gets you get lost in the pages.

Don’t you agree that in our busy lives, finding moments of true (good, the healthy type!) escapism can be challenging? Yet, there’s a timeless remedy that’s always within reach: the pages of a good book. They can enrich our lives in unexpected ways.

And to make it even more appealing to you, here are five reasons why reading novels can greatly benefit your overall well-being.

Now let’s dive into the:

5 Top Benefits of Immersing Yourself in Novels

1. Emotional Healing and Comfort

Let me talk about Romance novels and romcoms: they are more than just love stories; they are journeys of emotional discovery. These stories often mirror our own experiences, offering a sense of validation and understanding, forgiveness, ect. sThey remind us that love, in its many forms, is a powerful force for healing.
We dive into the characters’ worlds, we understand their motives, we root for them, we grow with them, we disagree or agree, but we always learn from them.
We want them to find happiness, we too feel a sense of hope and comfort.

2. Boosting Empathy and Understanding

Fiction, especially stories that delve into life’s intricacies, helps us step into someone else’s shoes. Through the eyes of diverse characters, we gain a deeper understanding of different perspectives and cultures which I find truly life-changing. This empathy makes us more compassionate and better equipped to connect with others in real life. Life simply becomes more colorful.

3. Stress Relief and Relaxation

When we immerse ourselves into novels, the nature of reading allows us to escape from our daily stresses and may even erase the stresses altogether. That’s a personal observation of mine. Getting lost in a romance or a magical tale (and other genres) can transport us to a world where worries fade away. I truly believe that this kind of mental break is crucial for our overall well-being; it provides a much-needed respite from the busyness of everyday life.

4. Inspiration and Personal Growth

Books about life, love, and magic often carry profound messages and insights. They inspire us to dream bigger, love more deeply, and embrace the wonders around us. The characters’ journeys can encourage us to reflect on our own lives and consider new possibilities for growth and change.

5. Cognitive Benefits and Enhanced Creativity

Reading fiction isn’t just good for the soul; it’s also a workout for the brain.
When we engage with complex narratives and vivid descriptions it enhances our cognitive functions, improves memory, and sparks creativity. As you can see with me, I didn’t know that––when I started reading novels again––I would create something out of it. But here I am, writing on my third LOST IN PAGES blog already.

The imaginative worlds of magical realism, in particular, can stimulate our minds and inspire us to see the world with fresh eyes and infuse us with more magic, reminding us that there is so much more than we could ever imagine. I just read “The Midnight Library” by Matt Haig and it was overwhelmingly beautiful. (Thank you to my dear friend Fiona “Fee” who recommended it to me. It was so heartwarming and healing. I’m still buzzing.)

What do you think, have I convinced you to read more novels? 

I believe that in a world where we are constantly bombarded with information and distractions, the simple act of reading can be a profound form of self-care. Romance novels, with their promise of love and connection, and stories of magical realism, with their enchanting blend of the ordinary and extraordinary, offer a sanctuary for the mind and heart.

I invite you to carve out some time for yourself. Find a cozy corner, pick up a book, and let the words wash over you. Allow yourself to be swept away by the stories, and discover the healing magic that lies within the pages.

And of course, don’t forget to check out LOST IN PAGES on my blog, where I review my monthly reads. 

I’d love to hear about your favorite romance novels and magical realism books! Feel free to reply to this email and share your recommendations. Let’s get lost in pages together!

Happy reading, and may you find joy and solace in every book you open.

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Listen to my other Podcast Natural Woman Alchemy:

Intro and Outro Music by my dear mentor and friend Kara Johnstad




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Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic life One day however a small line of blind text by the name of Lorem Ipsum decided to leave for the far World of Grammar. The Big Oxmox advised her

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Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic life One day however a small line of blind text by the name of Lorem Ipsum decided to leave for the far World of Grammar. The Big Oxmox advised her

Shams W.Pawel Founder & CEO of XpeedStudio

Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic life One day however a small line of blind text by the name of Lorem Ipsum decided to leave for the far World of Grammar. The Big Oxmox advised her

Shams W.Pawel Founder & CEO of XpeedStudio


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