Join me in my Sacred Space
Hey beautiful, thanks for landing on my podcast page. I love the world of podcasting. It’s such a wonderful way and tool to connect with my audience on a much deeper and more personal level, and deliver valuable and amazing content for free.
I launched my first podcast in 2018. Originally it was Alchemy of Heart and then it morphed into Natural Woman Alchemy in 2020.
I have released over 200 episodes, jam-packed with juicy and upclose interviews with female experts from around the globe, countless solo shows and some special bonus episodes.
In 2023, I have decided to close Natural Woman Alchemy and launch my new Podcast She Heals Her.
I invite you to tune in and let yourself be guided to the episode that speaks to your heart and soul the most at this moment.
Recent episodes

018: Kintsugi – The Art of Embracing Imperfection and Healing
What is Kintsugi? In a serene workshop, nestled in the heart of Japan, a master craftsman gently handles

017: Transform Your Relationships through Active Listening
If you’d rather read about it: Transform your relationships with this simple life hack In our journey of

016: Riding the Waves – Unstoppable through life’s challenges
If you’d rather read about it: Welcome to another empowering episode of ‘She Heals Her,’ where we explore

015: Forest Bathing – The Power of Shinrin-Yoku
If you’d rather read about it: What is Shinrin-Yoku? I love that the Japanese have a concept and

014: 3 Powerful Reasons to Start Singing Today
Your Voice is powerful, and today I’m gonna talk to you about 3 powerful reasons why you should

013: “Novel” Up Your Life: 5 Amazing Benefits of Reading Novels
Oh this is so exciting: I am eager to discuss something deeply meaningful to me—the profound and therapeutic

012: Just do it! Get messy and start that project! – Self Love Sundays
Just do it! Let’s face it, we all have that one idea. The creative project that’s been whispering

056: Don’t Let Fear Tame Your Voice

065: How Natural Woman Alchemy Was Born

066: On Making Space For A New Relationship

068: Date Yourself First
Stay in touch

Hi, I'm Nadine
Your Holistic Mentor & Coach
I love supporting women on their journey of transformation, self-reclamation, and optimal health. And I’m here to support, guide, and empower you, sister. Get fresh updates about all things feminine, empowerment and self-discovery in your inbox and get my Free Artist meditation as a Thank You gift. You are worthy and within you is a version you haven’t tasted yet. I help you discover that version and reclaim all parts of you. Let’s do it together.